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Julian Assange is free!
learn how he did it, |
Stella’s comments, |
The people who committed the war crimes,
many of whom officials and politicians, are not
facing prosecution and prison. Indeed, their
wrong-doing is not even being investigated.
Only the messenger faced years of persecution.
What can we do here in Italy
to support Julian Assange?
carry on his fight to free journalism (see the initiatives at the end of the article that appears on clicking the image above).
Below are a few of the initiatives we have undertaken in Rome to call for Julian’s release.
Past events to support Julian.
On October 26th 2021, in the Press Room of the lower house of the Italian Parliament, eight U.S., UK and Italian personalities discussed the Assange case and, in particular, how granting the extradition request would risk making the U.S. and the UK judicial
systems resemble the infamous Inquisition.
the RAI - TV anchor and investigative journalist Riccardo Iacona, click here.
To see the video of the entire event, click here.
Alternatively, you can see JUST the contributions
presented individually
you can take your
September 28, 2021, was the International Day for Universal Access to Information (or Right to Know Day) – #AccessToInfoDay, #RightToKnow.
That day in Rome, activists consigned a letter to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, asking her to put pressure on the UK (and on the U.S.) to free Julian Assange, to reject (or withdraw) the request for his extradition, and to stop persecuting him. Otherwise the EU should consider sanctioning the U.S. and the UK, as it does other countries that persecute journalists, violating their human rights.
Read the letter to Ursula von der Leyen!
You can sign the letter to von der Leyen, too!
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