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To Migrate is Not a Crime” March to protest against anti-migrant government policies in Italy*,
Corteo “Migrare non è reato” per protestare le misure repressive del ministro Italiano Minniti,
Rome, October 21, 2017 –
Roma, 21 ottobre 2017

Click on the photos to enlarge them. Click again on any point to enlarge it even more.
Cliccare sulle foto per ingrandirle. Cliccare una seconda volta per ingrandirle ulteriormente.

Update: Below are photos from our own papparazzo pluripremiato Gene Rizzo.
Second update: fan mail received by Gene for his photos, plus (also below) the trailer
for a documentary on U.S. government ill-treatment of migrants, “Immigrant Prisons”.

* U.S. citizens participated in this protest against the Italian government's ill-treatment of migrants,
because when you fight for migrants' rights anywhere, you are fighting for them everywhere.

Pilar, Marina, Patrick, Luke, Anna
(+ Loretta che riprende e Gene in giro a scattare)

“Libia: li abbiamo bombardati!
Accogliamoli, almeno!””