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Don’t shoot the messenger!

We are all Julian Assange!

On January 4, 2021, Julian Assange’s extradiction to the

United States was blocked by U.K. District Judge Vanessa

Baraitser; on the basis of psychiatric examinations, she

ruled that extradition and then imprisonment in the U.S.

would be "oppressive", given Assange’s mental health.


On April 11, 2021, the U.S. managed to get the case

reopened claiming that the psychiatrist had not taken into

account all the evidence. The question will be debated

before the High Court in London on October 27-28. If the

objection raised by the U.S. is considered valid, the Court

could decide for Assange’s immediate extradition. As a

last resort, Assange could appeal to the UK Supreme

Court or possibly the European Court of Human Rights.


To provide a backdrop to the court hearing, during

September and October, 2021, initiatives will be taken

all over the world to awaken public opinion to the

importance of Assange's case.


Because hanging in the balance is not just the fate of a

courageous journalist who dared to expose U.S. war

crimes and other illegal behavior, but investigative

journalism itself. For if Assange is imprisoned, then

journalists all over the world will think twice before

investigating and denouncing possible governmental

wrong-doing. Thus, the fight to free Julian Assange is

the fight to preserve Freedom of the Press.


What can we do here in Italy to support our activist

friends in the U.K., who are preparing a rally for

Assange the opening day of his hearing (Oct. 27)

outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London?

(a.) Write a Letter to the editor of a British newspaper

of your choice, speaking up for Julian, mentioning the

hearing and inviting readers to come to the Royal

Courts to show their support. Here is an example of

what you could say, turning it into a letter: click here.

(b.) Join the U.S.-based Assange Defense Committee

(co-chairs: Noam Chomsky, Alice Walker, Daniel

Ellsberg) and, before sending off your letter, submit it

to them; they will help you improve it and also suggest

U.S. media where you can send it as well: see here.

(c.) Sign the petition asking Biden to drop the charges.

(d.) Make comments in support of Julian and the Oct.

27 rally on social media and join up with activists on

the web to create a buzz: Action4Assange, NYC Free

Assange, Brits for Assange, Italiani per Assange,

#DropTheCharges, FreeAssangeIT.

(e.) Here are even more initiatives you can take:

Don’t Extradite Assange Campaign.





Below is an article published by the on-line journal

PeaceLink using the talking points mentioned in

point 1. a. above:


IN ENGLISH:     The debacle in Afghanistan shows that

Assange should have been listened to, not criminalized.

IN ITALIANO: La debacle in Afghanistan mostra che avrem-

mo dovuto ascoltare, non criminalizzare, Julian Assange.





For those of you who know Italian:



GIORNALISMO", RAI3 PresaDiretta con

Riccardo Iacona, lunedì 30 agosto 21.20:

"Se viene imprigionato chi rivela

documenti segreti, scottanti per il

potere, addio al nostro diritto

all’informazione." (RaiPlay qui dopo lunedì)


Esce (
scaricare qui) il libro su Assange

di Stefania Maurizi, giornalista (Repubblica).

Dalla prefazione di Ken Loach: "Questo è un

libro che dovrebbe farvi arrabbiare moltissimo. È la

storia di un giornalista imprigionato e trattato con

insostenibile crudeltà per aver rivelato i crimini di

guerra in Afghanistan e Iraq – quelli di cui

vediamo le consequenze oggi."






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