During 2022, together with the women of
CodePink and activists everywhere,
I shall do my best to fight for a truly

different world...

Here is their program of action.

I shall make it mine!

Medea and Jodie write: “As we approach 20 years of CODEPINK, we are fired up, ready to continue undressing the U.S. war machine, the lies and utter disregard for life, and all that is making the world less safe. U.S. empire-building has not only been fueling violence, racism, instability, it has been literally shredding the very fabric of society around us.

As one of the largest polluters on earth, the U.S. military is a key driver of climate disaster. This is why the world needs more CODEPINKers like you to help us stop this madness.

In 2021, we launched our largest campaign yet: #CutThePentagon: For Peace, People, Planet, and a Future. Thanks to volunteers and donors like you, we've already built a substantial coalition, and in 2022 we can finally achieve real cuts to the massive U.S. military budget.

We've been heartbroken this past year to see Biden's "pi­vot to Asia" continue Trump's cold war against China — one that could easily turn hot. That's why we revved up our China is Not Our Enemy campaign with in-depth webinars with prominent scholars, jour­na­lists, re­sear­chers, and or­gani­zers.

We believe wars are not inevitable, but they take a lot of dedicated people to stop them and that's why we must Divest from the War Machine. In the past year, we got all kinds of investors to divest from weapons manufacturers — from the city of Burlington to Congressman Ro Khanna's wife!

Although it was good that the U.S. troops left Afghanistan, we can't leave the people under crippling sanctions with billions of their dollars frozen in U.S. banks. Through­out 2022, we'll be de­mand­ing that Biden and the World Bank #Un­freeze­Af­ghan­i­stan. Together, we can re­place militarism with solidarity.

We must do the same with the people of Iran by raising our voices loudly to say NO TO SANCTIONS, NO WAR. We need every voice possible — we need YOUR voice for our Peace with Iran cam­paign in 2022!

Israel may have a new go­vern­ment, but its apartheid re­gime remains solidly in place. We know it's only a matter of time until Israel bombs Gaza again. Yet we won't be waiting for the bombs to drop to campaign for liberation and dignity for Palestinians. You've joined us before and we'll count on you in 2022.

We also need you onboard as we take on a massive task: to stop weapons sales to Sau­di Ara­bia and other re­pres­sive countries, such as Is­rael, Egypt and the Phi­lip­pines. Our Call to Disarm cam­paign exposes the war profiteers and tries to weed out U.S. militarism from its roots. No more school chil­dren incinerated by our bombs!

Uprooting militarism and be­com­ing good neighbors is what our Latin America campaign is all about. In 2021, we denounced deadly sanctions, proclaiming #Let­Ve­ne­zue­la­Live and #Let­Cuba­Live! Thanks to your sup­port, we sent six million syringes to Cuba for their CO­VID-19 vaccination campaign and a planeload of food! Next year, we need your help to go after a huge target: the Or­ga­ni­za­tion of American States, which played a key role in the 2019 coup in Bolivia.

And there's more! We're work­ing against the Enbridge Line 3 pipe­line and zig­zag­ging through the streets from Man­hat­tan to Glasgow, Scot­land, for COP26 with our War is Not Green message and plan­ning to oppose COP27 be­ing lo­ca­ted in repressive Egypt. Our weekly radio shows have expanded to in­clude special podcast epi­sodes and we're continuing to ad­vo­cate for whistleblowers like Daniel Hale and Julian As­sange.

We're growing a Youth Peace Collective, re­ener­gi­zing our local chapters, and host­ing a popular "actionar" called CODEPINK Congress, to help you take action on le­gis­la­tion to halt the U.S. war machine. We won't stop until the Pentagon is cut and health­care, education, and hous­ing are funded instead!

To create a different world, we need to think differently and to campaign tirelessly. We need to keep all hands on deck for peace as we roll into 2022.

Please consider:

– donating
(click here)

volunteering (click here)”

For more: https://www.codepink.org
We’ll be with you in 2022, Medea and Jodie!